
Bobs hopes

"You have two birth-places. You have the place where you were really born and then you have a place of predilection where you really wake up to reality."
Lawrence Durrell -- Blue Thirst

I am searching for this place of predilection since i have left my birth place - but i feel that this extensive search is a huge fata(l) morgana, because when you leave your childhoododours before you go to school but short after your kindergarden - it must fail. You once jumped out of skin and are searching for it - i think the rest of your life - hoping to find it again. But the new skin you have is a loan and you are a kind of alone again and again and again. Sometimes you forget about it, but the amnesia is not definitive enough. The last thing that remains is hope. And who was it, who said, that hope is the last thing that dies? (Nietzsche or another idiot) - Bob Hoped too - and in the end he died like all the others (27. july 2003 in Toluca Lake, California). Alone or not, doesn't matter at all.