
Wohnungssuche die Zweite

Die letzte Woche war aufregend. Am Montag den 07.07., abends, so ca. um 22:45 habe ich im Internet geguckt, was es in der Craigslist so an Wohnungsangeboten gibt. Das Budget ist klein, das Angebot dementsprechend. Die Vorstellung ziemlich genau, wo und was es sein soll. Ich scroll und scroll und auf einmal sehe ich sie. Der Preis, die Gegend, die Größe, die Photos und sogar der Einzugstermin alles stimmte. Goldrichtig, also da darf nicht lange gezögert werden. Es gab nur eine Mail-Adresse. Wir haben sofort ein sehr nettes Mail geschrieben, mit Photo, damit der Mensch sieht, dass wir beide jeweils nur einen Kopf und nicht drei haben, zwei Ohren und zwei Augen und nach der Gausschen Normalverteilung so an die 100% ohne Weiteres heranreichen und in der Kurve oben anzusiedeln sind. Das charmante Lächeln, was wir darauf zeigen, sollte an dieser Stelle auch erwähnt werden. Fünf Minuten später klingelt eins von unseren Telefonen. Das Klingeln haben wir zwar gehört, sind aber zu spät ran gegangen. Number unknown. Hmm, seltsam, wer ruft denn noch so spät an? Mittlerweile war es so ca. 23:30.
Am nächsten Tag rief der Mensch an und war ganz offen und zugetan und überhaupt und wir wären genau die Leute, die er sich wünscht und jetzt bitte verfolgt den Lauf der Dinge aufgrund des Mailaustauschs und einiger Telefonate. Ich ergänze den Rest.
Die erste Antwort auf unser Mail (Original mit Auslassungen der privaten Angaben. Die sind von der Red. gestrichen oder durch "Stellvertreter" ersetzt – der Rest ist zitiert - und 1 zu 1 übernommen)

Thanks for your message. I receive your mail in respect of my house/apartment at XY and also want you to know that it was due to the sudden transfer of my wife that makes my wife and Son to leave the house and also want to give it out for rent and we are looking for a responsible person that can take very good care of the house because we are not after the money for the rent but we want someone that can take good care of the house cos I want the house to be clean. The house is available and ready to move in at your convenience time, am presently in XY where I work and my wife is on official transfer XY that is the reason why I decide to rent the house out, although we intend to sale the house before we had re-thought. We intend to collect minimum deposit of three month and security deposit of $1500. The house is $2,200 per month, car park and laundry is available, utilitiesare included in the rent. The neighbours are friendly and the environment is quiet and OK type. The house would be lease for 42months till my wife return from XY. The rent would be paid to my wife in XY as well. Although the house keys is with my wife in XY, the keys would be sent to your address by my wife via FedEx service so that you can view the inside.If you are OK with this, I would give you the contact details where you can contact my wife immediately for you to receive the keys at your door step along with the house papers via Fedex service. If you are interested in the house, kindly send the listed infiormation for my record: YOUR FULL NAME,ADDRESS,OCCUPATION,TELEPHONE NUMBER, CREDIT SCORE.You can call on my number xxx call me anytime, as soon as I hear from you the rental application and lease agreement would be sent to you to enable us start the rent process. Feel free to call me on the above provided number. Thanks, XY

Wow, da waren wir aber froh. Und dachten, wie wunderbar das Ganze ist und dass es doch großzügige und freundliche Menschen gibt.
Es folgt das Mail nach dem ersten Telefonat.

Hello Nachname, (ja ohne Mr oder sonst was)
Thanks for your telephone call today.
In reference to our discussion, I would love to have the contact of the company you are working with for my security and record.
Meanwhle I sincerely believe you would take proper care of the house for me based on our discussion. To enable you view the interiors I have talk to my wife about you and she is very glad you are going to be our tenant, she really want to talk to you either. Below is the information provided by my wife for you to make the shipment cost immediately as to allow her send the keys and documents of the house to your address.
Name; XY
Country: XY
Amount: $195 USD
The above details is my wife assistant info, he would also be the person sending the keys to your address via FedEx courier service immediate he pick the payment, the fedex online tracking number of the package would be sent to you so that you can monitor the delivery to your door step, the package would be insured as well.
As soon as you make the payment kindly send the payment information to me so that I can forward it to my wife, thereafter the Rental Lease Agreement would be sent to you.
Please you have to take proper care of the house keys for me coz am sending them to you based on trust.
Hoping to hear from you soon, once again thanks for the telephone call.
God Bless.
Vorname Nachname

Hier ist unsere Antwort:

Dear Mr. XY,
The quickest and easiest way to transfer the costs for the sending of keys would be through the bank. Please send me Mr. XY Bank Name, Account Number, IBAN Number and Swift/BIC Code.
Best regards,
Vorname Nachname

Danach kommt das von uns:

Dear Mr. Nachname,

In an act of trust I have transferred the required amount for the shipment of the keys. You should note the “test question” which was necessary for this transfer and pass this on to Mr. Nachname.
The amount is available immediately. Please have your wife send the keys to my work address mentioned below.
Attached in addition to the receipt of payment above is a Certificate of Employment from my place of work in Stadtname.
That is all for now, I wish you a nice evening in Stadtname.
If you have any questions please feel free to call.
Best regards,
Vorname Nachname

Seine Antwort:

Hello Vorname,
Good day,
Thanks for the information, I received the slip and your employment certificate.You should no be worry about this the keys would be sent to your address immediately the payment is confirmed, am also sending my house keys to you on TRUST and I believe you will take proper care of the package for me. Please kindly write out the payment details such as:
Question and Answer,
MTCN Number:
Am unable to preview the attached slip.
Hoping to hear from you.
Vorname Nachname

Darauf unsere Reaktion:

Greetings Vorname,

Here is the required information.

Question: Apt. Owner, Town
Answer: XY

With kind regards,


Hello Vorname
My wife just called me to inform that she would be heading to the fedex office now, I would send the fedex tracking number to you as soon as she return to enable you track and monitor the delivery
Meanwhile, I want you to send the rent payment to my wife as soon as you confirm the fedex tracking details to enable us conclude the rent process today, the keys would be deliver toyou address on saturday.
Thanks, and hoping to hear from you soon.


Noch Mal das darauf:

Helle Vorname,
Please below is the package info, the keys was sent via Iship courier service. Tracking Number: XXX Website: XXX
According to the information received from my wife you would be able to receive the package over the weekend.Meanwhile, the rent payment is now causing misunderstanding with me and my wife, so I would appreciate you send the rent payment to my immediately now that you have the keys tracking details. Attached is the rental agreement to enable us conclude the rent process without further delay.
Thanks and looking forward to receive the payment details soon. Vorname Nachname

Unsere Antwort:

Dear Vorname,
Thanks very much for the information. As soon as we have had a look at the apartment and the contract documents we will contact you.
Best regards,

Danach gab es ein Telefonat worin wir ihm eindringlichst versichert, dass sobald wir die Wohnung gesehen haben, uns sofort bei ihm melden werden und er sich keine Sorgen zu machen braucht. O.k.? O.k.!

Seine Antwort per Mail kam nach einigen Stunden:

Hello Tenant, (heißt und bedeutet Mieter)
Thank you for your telephone call today.
In regards to our telephone discussion, why are you finding it difficult to understand the kind of person I am and what am experiencing from my wife because of the rent payment, my wife said she is not please that she have to send the house keys and document to your address without the rent payment at hand yet while our house keys and document is on the way to your address. I think about this and realise she is very right about that, also am not happy with you for your attitude in delaying the payment for no reason.
I also payment rents and understand the fact the I have to conclude every rent process before even thinking of receiving keys to any form of lease, but based on the trust I have built in you I decide to ship keys to your address before even the rent payment and now that the keys in on the way to your address I do not see reason why you have to hesitate in making the rent payment immediately, what you are assuming is not done anywhere. Why are you playing on my inteligent by causing such delay in making the rent payment, I hate people been too smart on me and I can not take that from you, what else do you expect from me after sending my keys to you.
Please I need to hear from you immediately before I make a strange decision on this issue.
I believe you are a mature minded person and have tried my possible best to please you and do things in mature way so why are you bring up another strange attitude, are you trying to play with my inteligent or what?
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Vorname Nachname.
Landlord (heißt und bedeutet Vermieter)

Zuerst haben wir ihm das als Antwort geschickt:

Dear Vorname,

long distance communication is always difficult. And the fact that makes it more difficult is that we don't know each other. Vorname, nobody here wants to be smart or something, there is only one important thing that I have said from the beginning, a critical issue in deciding to rent an apartment - is having seen the apartment. For this reason you have been confident enough to send us the keys. Thank you again. In return we have been confident enough to advance the cost of shipping. From my point of view this is a reasonable solution. Based on our mail exchange and our telephone conversations, my wife and I are convinced that this is a very special situation and are pleased and happy that it has developed so nicely. We are looking forward to seeing the apartment on the weekend, and I assure you that we will contact you immediately after in order to discuss the next step.
I can understand what you say, but there is no reason to start a rough tone. We are not that kind of people who think that another person is not bright enough and not that kind of people who want to be more smart than the others. This is not the world we would like to live in. The only thing is that we want is to see the place where we are going to live in - but we first have to see something with our own eyes before we "rent" it - right? I am sure that you would do the same thing if you look at it the other way round.

And there is no reason not to trust us.

I hope we will find a way and are able to come together before any of us start making strange decisions.

bless you

Vorname, Vorname

Hier kam seine Antwort:

Hello Vorname & Vorname,
Thanks for your mail, am relief when I read through your message but I want you to understand that am receiving some pressure from my wife about this matter and she would not let me rest since she send the key without the rent payment, once again am very sorry for the temper.
Meanwhile, I will discuss with my wife we decide to do things in a straight way and would appreciate if we can imploy a simple ideal here, since my wife is very upset about this arrangement, I would appreciate you go and send the rent payment immediately and keep the payment detail to your self by sending only the MTCN NUMBER to me so that we can track and confirm the rent payment online and also she can be rest assure you have make the payment but would not be able to cash the payment until you receive the keys and send us the question and answer, then immediately you receive the keys to the house and have seeing the inside you would then send the QUESTION and ANSWER of the payment to me then she would be able to collect the money from western union, am saying this because she intend to stop the keys to the house if she did not receive the rent payment today. Hope you understand my point here? Then this way both side would be rest assure of each other.
I believe there would be no problem in doing this for security of the both side.
I would be waiting to receive the Payment TRACKING NUMBER from you as soon as possible today. I have tried to reach you but it would not through, please call me as soon as possible.

Doch je länger wir darüber nachdachten, verging uns die Lust in eine Wohnung einzuziehen, die diesen Leuten gehört.
Hier unsere letzte Mail an den „Landlord“. Das war Freitag. Heute ist Samstag und ich hoffe, dass ich nie wieder vom „Landlord“ etwas hören werde.

Good afternoon Vorname,
thank you for your e-mail and your excuse. I can understand the conditions of your wife very well, but sorry, we do not let ourselves be put under pressure to pay before we have seen the apartment. Sorry. Please let her know, that she may stop the shipment of the keys.
Maybe this is a strange decision, but we are not used to being called "tenants" and don't understand the use of the signature "landlord" either. Maybe I can understand your situation, but don't want to be a part of it. This is very sad, and perhaps we very much misunderstood each other. We would have loved to move in, and to care for your place, like we would have done for our own place - but if a story has such a start, how is it going to finish?
We wish you and your family all the best - well, it could have been easy
- but was not.

Vorname Nachname and Vorname Nachname

Also die Suche geht weiter und die 195 Dollar – na ja – waren wahrscheinlich die Geschichte wert.